This week I have more time to write thankfully. It was such a great
one. First off, I got to stay here in Chaengwattana and my new
companion is Sister Olsen. If you remember her, she was one of the
sisters that was with me in the MTC. We are reunited!
We are so ready for this transfer to work hard and see some miracles! My
new district is awesome, I'm serving with Elder Quinn and Parker who
I'd served with in Lampang. Way excited!! It's been fun serving in a
district with eight people.
My new companion!! We are going to have so much fun together!!
This last week me and Sister Olsen made a really big decision and
decided that we were just going to focus on our Chaengwatta ward. We're
just going to focus on the international people which is going to be
hard because we're in Thailand, but we felt that
this is something that the Lord wants us to do. I really loved the talk
you sent me Mom about having faith in the Lord even when the blessings
and the reason for us following and trusting in the Lord seem so far
away. I think that is something that I have learned
throughout my mission. Even when things don't make sense to us and we
can't see the point, we do things because we love the Lord and we trust
in Him. With our new focus, it seems a little crazy to us and might be a
struggle, and we might not even be here to
see the blessings. But I have faith in the Lord that He has a greater
plan. So we've been trying to share our faith and now we run up and talk
to every white person we meet which has been fun. I've learned that
white people are definitely not as friendly as
khon Thai's hahaha! And we've been asking members for referrals and
people they know that we could serve. It's been really fun. I feel like
I'm going to learn a lot this transfer, I'm excited!
Michael has been doing so great. His testimony just grows more and
more every time I see him. I'm so proud of him! My testimony of the
atonement just grows the more I'm around these recent converts, they are
so amazing!!
I'm excited for this next week! We are going to Korat to switch off
with the sisters there. It will be my first time going back to my
greenie area!
Some fun things from my life:
We've had to run home (like literally sprint) because we sometimes
get distracted by inviting. I'm so out of shape. Anyways, we'd have two
minutes left so we'd run all the way home and somehow made it there at
exactly 9:00. Blessings for trying to be obedient
It's mango season, I eat them like crazy
It's also hot season. I look like I just took a shower most of the day.
I still can't eat their super spicy food, so I still get made fun
of. But it's ok, it gets me out of eating a lot of really weird things
I've learned this week how evil Satan is and how very real he is.
There are so many sad things that I've seen go on within families and
how many have given their will over to him. But I have also seen the
power of the atonement and how much greater power
it has. Satan will never triumph. The light always outshines the
darkness that we feel in our lives. I know personally that there is
always a silver lining and there is always hope. Satan is evil but God
will always be greater. I know that Christ lives and
that it's through that knowledge that we have home in this life. That's
how we overcome the evil and dark days. Remember that Christ lives and
He has already overcome the world.
Love you guys, keep sharing the gospel with your friends and those around you. Just as Joseph Smith said,“After all that has been
said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel.”
Remember that!!
Have a great week! :)
ซิสเตอร์ ริโย
"And what is it that ye shall hope for?
Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through
the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal,
and this because of your faith in him according to the promise." Moroni 7: 41
Elder Khanakham! He and his wife invited us missionaries
over for lunch.
It was such a special treat. This is him teaching
about the story of the widows mite.
I got to meet Sister Rem's Family. That was fun!
My last selfie with Sister Rem, I'm going to miss her.
It feels like it was just yesterday we were biking
around crazy Lampang. Time flies!